I Revenged My Cheating Fiancé by Leaving ‘Surprises’ in His House, Before Moving Out – Now He Texts Me Begging to Make It Stop

While my now ex-fiancé was out of town for a “work trip,” I received a photo of him making out with some girl at a club. At that moment, I felt like my life was ruined. After discovering the truth, I couldn’t stay in our house any longer.

I packed my bags and wiped my tears, but as I stopped in the middle of the living room, ready to leave, a sneaky plan came to mind. Turns out, there are many legal things you can leave in someone’s house to make their life miserable.

With a determined resolve, I started planning my revenge. The first thing I did was head to the local hardware store and pick up a few essentials: a box of alarm clocks, some fish, and a few bottles of glitter. Yes, glitter. It’s harmless but incredibly hard to clean up.

Back at the house, I started with the alarm clocks. I set each one to go off at different times throughout the day and night, and then I hid them in the most inconspicuous places I could think of: inside the couch cushions, behind books on the shelves, inside the air vents. There was no way he’d find them all quickly, and the constant noise would drive him crazy.

Next, I turned my attention to the fish. I cut small pieces of the fish and strategically placed them in areas that would be hard to reach or notice immediately: inside the curtain rods, under the stove, behind the fridge. It wouldn’t take long for the smell to become unbearable, and he’d have no idea where it was coming from.

Then came the glitter. I filled his shoes, his drawers, and his car’s air vents with the sparkly stuff. Glitter has a way of sticking to everything and spreading everywhere, and it’s nearly impossible to clean up completely. Every time he’d open a drawer or turn on the air conditioning in his car, he’d be showered in a cascade of glitter, a constant reminder of my presence.

Satisfied with my work, I left a note on the kitchen counter that simply read: “I know what you did. Enjoy your surprises. – Emily”

I took one last look around the house and walked out, feeling a mix of satisfaction and sadness. I knew it wasn’t the most mature way to handle things, but it felt good to take control in a situation where I had felt so powerless.

A few days later, I started receiving texts from him. They began with confusion and quickly escalated to begging.

“Emily, what’s going on? The house is driving me insane!”

“Please, I’m sorry! Can we talk?”

“The smell is horrible, and I can’t find all the alarms. Please help me!”

I ignored most of his messages, but I couldn’t help but smile every time my phone buzzed. It was petty, but it was exactly the kind of closure I needed.

Eventually, his messages took on a more desperate tone. “Emily, I’m begging you. I can’t live like this. Please, I’ll do anything for peace.”

I considered my options. Part of me wanted to leave him to suffer, but another part of me knew that I had made my point. I decided to respond with one final message.

“Now you know how it feels to have your life turned upside down. Clean up your mess, and maybe next time, think twice before you cheat.”

He didn’t reply, but that was fine by me. I had gotten my revenge, and I was ready to move on with my life, leaving him to deal with the chaos he had caused.

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