ENTITLED MOM CLAIMED MY SEAT AT A CAFE — HER FACE TURNED RED AFTER I TAUGHT HER A LESSON I was waiting for my friend at a local cafe. I took the two seats by the window, and as I was about to sit down, a lady slammed into me from behind. “MOVE IT, WILL YOU? MY KIDS AND I NEED THESE SEATS!” she barked, not even offering an apology for nearly knocking me over. “I’m sorry, but I’m waiting for someone,” I replied, trying to keep my cool. She crossed her arms, glaring at me with a sneer. “I don’t care who you’re waiting for. I’m friends with the owner, and I CAN HAVE YOU KICKED OUT OF HERE IN A SECOND! SO WHY DON’T YOU DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND SCRAM?!” The words she used made my blood boil, but I stayed calm. “Listen, sweetheart,” she hissed, leaning in closer. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with. I’ll make one call, and you’ll be out of here, banned for good.” I looked over at the menu, and what I did next made her face turn red because ⬇️

There I was, all jittery and excited, about to snag the best spot in my favorite café. The place was my sanctuary, a cozy haven where the aroma of freshly …

ENTITLED MOM CLAIMED MY SEAT AT A CAFE — HER FACE TURNED RED AFTER I TAUGHT HER A LESSON I was waiting for my friend at a local cafe. I took the two seats by the window, and as I was about to sit down, a lady slammed into me from behind. “MOVE IT, WILL YOU? MY KIDS AND I NEED THESE SEATS!” she barked, not even offering an apology for nearly knocking me over. “I’m sorry, but I’m waiting for someone,” I replied, trying to keep my cool. She crossed her arms, glaring at me with a sneer. “I don’t care who you’re waiting for. I’m friends with the owner, and I CAN HAVE YOU KICKED OUT OF HERE IN A SECOND! SO WHY DON’T YOU DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND SCRAM?!” The words she used made my blood boil, but I stayed calm. “Listen, sweetheart,” she hissed, leaning in closer. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with. I’ll make one call, and you’ll be out of here, banned for good.” I looked over at the menu, and what I did next made her face turn red because ⬇️ Read More